
Parents Comments

We were really pleased with Martin. He was a thorough teacher and took Emily to Grade III standard until the travel from Keynsham became too much. We especially liked his sensitivity to Emily when she was young and shy, and he managed to build her confidence as we progressed. A definite recommendation. Lisa Fisher.

Martin took Kit through a whole variety of skills, and adapted to the changes Kit wanted admirably: we started on keyboard, with composition and improvisation, then moved on to Piano. The composition went up to A level standard, and then Kit decided to do exams so we did Grade V Jazz and he got a distinction. He decided to do music at University during the 6th form, and so we then rapidly went through Grade VI and VII Piano, and Kit responded well to the sudden increase in practice and technical demands! We really feel Martin gave Kit a thorough grounding in a wide area of musical and technical skills in both jazz and classical styles, and are pleased with his significant contribution towards Kit’s decision to do music at University. [PW]

We’ll  have to go a long way to find a teacher as good as you.  We both really believe that.  [DB]

You’ve really fired up Joe’s Piano playing.  We’re both very grateful.  [GB]

“Martin took Jonathan on at the age of 11, and I really felt that he brought out Jon’s potential.  He covered Classical Piano getting an astonishingly high mark at his final exam at the age of 18 (Grade VII).  The work on chord sheets has been a great blessing for what he has done in church.  I am sure the Piano will continue to be a rich part of Jon’s life.”  H.B.

Many, many thanks for all you have taught W.  We never thought he would get all the way to Grade 8, and we are so proud of his many excellent exam results.  But most of all he has so enjoyed all you have done with him.  C & A.

Pupils farewell comments:

Thank you for being such a brilliant teacher.  You are kind, involving, interesting; you have the right balance of being strict and laid back; you understand exactly how people learn and you are unbelievably organized.  I have learnt so much, not just in piano but also the invaluable skill of good practice.  All this makes you the best teacher of anything I have ever had. I want to thank you so much for everything you have given me, from KQ (13 year old).

I have learnt so much from you over the past couple of years.  I have really enjoyed our lessons, and it has re-ignited my enthusiasm for the Piano.  That you very much for your patience (!), explanations and encouragement. Thank you also for introducing me to new repertoire.  I know that I will keep playing (when I have the time and energy), best wishes IM   (adult).

Thank you SO much for teaching me piano – very patiently – for so many years.  I have especially enjoyed learning the Jazz (and of course Latin!) I cannot say thank you enough!! J.O.

Thank you for being such a great piano teacher.  We will miss you.  A & J.

Words cannot really describe how thankful I am that you put up with me for the past 11 years! I never thought when I first started I’d ever make it this far, and I wouldn’t have if it weren’t for you.  I know I haven’t been the easiest pupil all the time, but you have taught me so much, and now that music lessons are coming to an end, for whoever knows how long, you have allowed my passion (and hopefully my talents, though maybe not counting!) grow, so that I will always be able to have music in my life.  So for all the “teach your fingers the right dance”, bitesizes, and compound time, thank you J.M.  [I couldn’t resist putting the whole of this one in!!]

Thank you for being a great music teacher.  Dean family.

Our thanks and love, you are a kind and gifted teacher.  K, A & N.

Dear Martin, it is not easy to let this go!! You have certainly planted a lot of seeds and we saw some of the fruit…thank you so much for teaching the girls music, beyond ‘just the piano’. M.C.

Thank you so much for teaching us piano. We hope to find a piano teacher as good as you in Valencia. (G.V.) Thank you for teaching us all these amazing pieces.  I’ve had lots of fun. (S.V)

Thank you very much for all your help, support and encouragement during the past four years.  I have really enjoyed learning the piano with you and will always be grateful for that.  I will miss you, Best wishes from E.F.

Thank you so much for your teaching, patience and enthusiasm over the last 16 months.  I can’t believe how much I’ve learned.  Thank you for helping my achieve a lifelong wish,  C.D.

I don’t know how you did it – teaching me to play and achieving grade 1.  Thank you for all your help and support.  It’s been a joy.  D.G.

Thank you!  I can’t believe it’s been 6 years!  You have given me many wonderful skills with my piano playing and I can’t thank you enough!  I’ll remember and appreciate them for the rest of my life.  H.S.

Thank you so much for re-kindling my love for the Piano.  I feel I’ve learnt an awful lot in just over a year!  S.R. (adult)

It’s been a great journey and I’m so glad it has ended on such a high!  I’m so grateful to have had such a committed, fun, inspiring teacher. W.R. (having taken grade 8 and then done jazz.)